Apple’s iPhone Will Now Feature Japanese Earthquake Alert

Using the next version of Apple’s iOS operating system, Japanese iPhone users will now get an option to receive earthquake alerts according to a 9to5Mac report. This earthquake alert feature will be added to the device’s notification centre in iOS 5 that is expected to release in the coming month.

Japan is said to have a sophisticated system of early warning system that will collect readings from more than a thousand seismic sensors. In Japan, mostly the earthquake warnings are issued through radio, television and text message under the Area Mail Disaster Information Service that sends a mass cell broadcast (SMS-CB) to all handsets in an area about to be struck with a natural tragedy.

3G mobiles have been conditioned to include SMS-CB technology under the Japanese law, but a lot of the foreign-made phones do not provide this technology. Steve Jobs sent an email to Japanese employees of Apple asking them if they or their families needed any support after the 2011 earthquake and tsunami.

Fonte: http://www.intech-bb…rthquake-alert/

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