Chameleon Beeline

General description

“Chameleon” – a news and entertainment in your mobile, are always at hand! Business and Education, Sports and culture, the WAP reports and quizzes, ring tones, logos, java-games … All this and much more convenient for your time!

How does the “Chameleon”?

During the day on the display your phone appear and delayed for 1-3 minutes Newsflashes on various topics. Just sometimes pay attention to the screen!

This is expensive?

Appearing on the screen messages free of charge. Continued any of you are interested title can be ordered by clicking appropriate button phone. After a moment you will aware of all the details!


Very simple!

If your phone SIM card and support service “Chameleon”, every day from 8:00 to 22:00, you will automatically receive a free public service announcements.

First, you will receive a small amount of communications. But if you want to be at the heart of all interesting events, the possibility of expanding services – plug an interesting topic for you!

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